The beginning of Holy Week

Last week the basis of our meditation hinged on one sentence spoken by some Greeks: “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” Remember “seeing” is believing, but there are many ways of seeing.

This week we enter Holy Week, leading up to the crucifixion of Christ. This event will change the entire world. The Gospels tell us that Jesus arrives in Jerusalem with welcoming shouts from a large crowd. He is hailed as a king, a mighty one, coming in the name of the Lord, someone who will be a great leader, to rid them of their overlords. So, after this wonderful entrance, what do the people expect?  What do they see? Is this how they really see Jesus, after alll of the signs He has given. Is their sight really that poor? Do they see the greatest gift for them ever to be given? What do we see? The events of Easter are coming.

Come and see Jesus.

Pastor Darryl