How is your hearing? 1 Samuel 3:1-20
Perhaps the first thing that I noticed with Samuelʼs response, and I believe often with ourselves, is the ease with which we may miss Godʼs call, or attribute it to a human instead. In speaking of their call, most people do not describe a major disruption in their lives. Instead they speak of a quiet, slow awakening – perhaps to a life of service or an injustice that needs to be addressed. Like Samuel, they often tell about a period of uncertainty regarding what they are being called to do or be. Also, Samuel needed Eli to explain to him what these stirrings meant. If often takes others in our lives to aid us in understanding the call God places before us. Godʼs call often comes when we least expect it and often to those we least expect. God is always the God of surprises. We, as the church, need to be like Eli, encouraging everyone to hear the voice that calls them forth into all they are created to be. At the same time, we help each other to tell the truth, even when the truth is hard to hear.
May the Lord bless and keep you in His care this week.
Pastor Darryl