Another thought Mark 4:26-34

While living in our super-sized, larger-than-life media world we are tempted to want bigger, better, more powerful possessions in our entertainment areas, our garages or in our sheds. We look around at what others have; our own stuff doesnʼt seem to measure up, and we feel sad, neglected and unloved. In all sorts of ways “sin, death and the devil “taunt us, “Is that all you get?” Time and time again scripture has stories and images of abundance that arises out of seeming scarcity – tiny mustard seeds, a boyʼs lunch of bread and fish, a shortage of wine at a wedding at Cana, meagre oil and meal that persist during a famine, trembling disciples shaken to the core by Good Friday. Perhaps when we look longingly at our empty hands or glance in the mirror with self-pity, then we need God to remind us that it is not about us, God is for us.

God forgive our disbelief, our coveting and our self-serving pity. Move us towards belief, seeing the needs of those around us. Amen

Pastor Darryl