Placing Trust in God’s Answer – Mark 5:21-43

Read this text and think about it. If you were to be an actor in the scene, which role would you play – Jairus, the suffering woman, a disciple of Jesus, someone in the crowd, or one of those from Jairusʼ house? Perhaps even the little girl? However, put yourself in the story and feel it unfold. For example, just consider the patience of Jairus as he rushes to Jesus, then repeatedly requests him to come and heal his dying daughter. Then when Jesus agrees to go, He is in no hurry. Jesus even stops to address a woman who touched Him, and to listen to her story. Jairus waited, but his child died before Jesus got to his house. But the story doesnʼt end there. Jesus knew how the events would unfold. Jesus was in complete control of the situation. Jairus was able to place his trust in Jesus, not knowing exactly how things would turn out. Think of the times when you knew exactly what you wanted God to do for you and how anxious you were in waiting. Sometimes the most difficult thing in the world Is to wait on God to act. This is especially true when we think we know exactly what God should do. God does not always work in the time frame that we desire. Jesus does not always answer our prayers and requests in the way we hope. Whether we are patient or not, God acts in accordance with His will, not with our wishes and desires. However, like Jairus, we find that when God does act, it is usually much more powerful and beautiful than what we had imagined it would be.


Pastor Darryl