Are We Still Amazed? Mark 6:1-6

Have you ever been amazed or astonished by something? Something that has rocked your senses?  How did it make you feel – elated, deflated, or even angry? A dictionary describes amazement as the condition of being amazed; overwhelming wonder, as from surprise, sudden fear, horror, or admiration, astonishment.  In Markʼs gospel in verse 2 it says these people were “astonished” when Jesus began to teach in the synagogue. They were amazed because they knew Jesus from a boy and watched him grow up. What is he doing teaching in our synagogue? Heʼs no Rabbi. What right has he to do that? This is just good old Jesus the carpenter. “Who does he think he is? We know his mother, his family.” Verse 3 says “They took offence.” They werenʼt interested in anything that Jesus had said or done, or who he really was. The people he had known his whole life “took offence at him.” The word “offence” connotes the idea of denial and rejection. Even Jesus is amazed at the lack of faith from his home town.  I wonder if the same exists today with people who have grown up “with Jesus,” who are in his home town, his church. They may call themselves Christians, because they were brought up that way. God the Father said, “this is my beloved Son, listen to him.” So, how, when and where do we do that? Christ does not force himself upon us, but comes to us in our weakness, especially when we acknowledge it.  May you continue to be blessed by the daily presence of Jesus in your life.

Pastor Darryl