Something to consider! Ephesians 1:3-14

Paul writes that God, out of His grace through Jesus Christ, has given every spiritual blessing to those who believe in Christ.  Indeed, in Christ, verse 8 says that God has “lavished us” with the riches of His grace.  Some may ask then, why do some lives appear to be more blessed than others?  By way of illustration we need two cups and a bucket of water.  Place the two cups side by side and turn one of them upside down.  Then pour the water from the bucket (the blessing) over them.  Turn the upside down cup up the right way.  One cup is filled and the other is empty.  Both had the blessing poured out on them, yet only one received the blessing.  There are two parts to being blessed and living a blessed life.  Remember when Isaac was about to bless his eldest son Esau (Genesis 27:15-29) but it was Jacob who received the blessing. Even though Jacob went about receiving the blessing in the wrong way, he had both a willingness and a desire to receive it.  So, it is not just the giving of the blessing that is crucial, it is also the receiving of it, as it is poured by God onto you.  People often focus on the first part, on having the blessing given to them, but miss the second part, the receiving.  God has already given the blessing through Jesus Christ, the endless pouring of forgiveness and salvation.  So, who is the one blessed?  The one who receives the blessing.  And who is the one especially blessed?  The one who values it so much that they will go to any length to receive it.  A blessed life is not merely one that has been blessed, but it is a life that has received it.  Lord, enrich our lives.  Open our hearts to receive the blessing that you have poured out for us.  Amen

Pastor Darryl