This text is a shocker! John 6:51-58

The Jews began to argue sharply among themselves,  “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?”  They still didnʼt get it. Even today there are many who donʼt get it. Verse 53, “Unless you eat the flesh of the
Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” People find this thought repulsive. “Sure,” they say. “Jesus was a good man, who did a few good things here and there, but he was just another man, right. Eat his flesh and drink his blood – really!”  The Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is, and always will be, shocking!  And the shocking Good News is that Christ came into the world to save sinners in general, to feed our hungry ravenous hearts on him, the bread from heaven, and on his saving blood of grace. Christ not only shocked his audience, he shocked his Apostles! He shocked them because he surprised them at how far He was willing to give himself for them.  From the Lordʼs incarnation to his self-immolation, the Lord shocked our senses, our preconceived notions, our understanding of how things worked. With every word He spoke, every miracle He performed, every pardon He gave, the Lord
gave himself to us. But what is shocking is that it wasnʼt enough. He also wanted to give His body, blood, soul and divinity to us. He literally, physically, realistically and objectively wanted to give His life to us. Letʼs never take His lifeʼs gift for granted.

Pastor Darryl