We are at war! Ephesians 6:10-20

Computer war gamers should be able to relate to this text. There is no point going into battle with nothing – no defensive armour – and hoping you will survive.  You need the best protection available, better than the enemies, to repel his attacks. Perhaps the greatest battle every human being will fight is not computer war games, or for country, nor against illness. It is spiritual warfare. I doubt whether most people believe it is that important, or even realise that it is happening daily. Peopleʼs major focus is on their personal struggles – weight loss, getting fit, work, money, status, gratification, all of which is supposed to lead to happiness. You may think that it is crazy when I suggest that the real challenge is against the powers of evil. But that is the truth. Remember, our circumstances do not define
who we are. We are defined by “whose we are.” Satan likes to convince people he doesnʼt exist. It is easy to ignore something we think doesnʼt exist. But Satan does exist – Jesus was tempted by him and mentions him numerous times. Watch a movie, we all sense the battle of good versus evil. Satan is against you, whether you believe in him or not. Think about the attacks you have had or are even now undergoing. They are hard to withstand alone, so put on the armour of God. It may be a challenge to do so, because we think we can go it alone. Prayer is the first line of defence against Satan, so pray and mean it! Be confident in Godʼs eternal love for you. Stand your ground in faith. Cling to Jesus! “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) Remember, we donʼt need to defeat Satan (Christ did that). By keeping our faith in God, using the gifts he has given us (the armour), Satanʼs purposes are thwarted. Perhaps your armour has taken a bit of a bashing. What would it take to refurbish it?

Pastor Darryl