Number One! Mark 9:33-37
Jesusʼ disciples had been arguing, who in their group was the greatest, the best, even the most powerful. After all, they had been teaching, preaching, healing and driving out demons. Perhaps the inability to drive out the last demon had sparked the debate. I guess that in the disciplesʼ minds there ought to be some formal structure of hierarchy amongst themselves, reflecting their abilities. We all like to succeed, to be number one in one way or another. We generally like to do our best, advance up the success ladder. I think that God has placed that desire to do our best within us. But such a desire can also have negative effects as Jesus points out. So, Jesus teaches the first lesson: “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Most of us are usually willing to serve someone that we acknowledge is greater than us. But how many of us will eagerly extend ourselves to serve someone lower than us. Jesus took a little child and put him in the midst of the disciples and took him in his arms. Jesus made Himself this childʼs servant. Greatness is what is placed on us, when through no worthiness or greatness of our own, Jesus takes you in His arms. Those arms outstretched on the cross, reconciling the Father to you, wrapped around you, taking you into His death and resurrection and His glory. Todayʼs prayer – Lord, help us to be the church in the world, to serve, love, share, give, as you have first given to us. Be with us in all that we do, to be your people and share in your grace.
Pastor Darryl