Echoes of the Reformation
For Luther, the Reformation was not about throwing out all of the human liturgical traditions within the divine service that had grown with the church. He only wished to change those things that he believed need changing. Luther recognised that many of the liturgical traditions are helpful, as long as they express Godʼs saving work in Christ. Luther maintained that the liturgy should both proclaim and enact the gospel. The key question for Luther therefore is: Does the Liturgy proclaim Christ crucified? This of course is associated with the doctrine of justification, with scriptural passages such as Ephesians 2:8 directing his thinking: ʻFor by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not of your own doing, it is a gift of God.ʼ For Luther, the quest for gospel clarity would hold precedence, which of course includes the elements of repentance, prayer, praise and thanksgiving. Thus, It was important to remove any liturgical content that attempted to emphasis the importance of, or trust in human actions, rather than the work of God through Christ for the person. What we have today, flows from Lutherʼs liturgical reform giving us the Liturgy of the Word, where significant emphasis is placed on preaching and the hearing of Godʼs word. Since Christ is the living Word, when it is proclaimed and heard, Christ is truly present in the midst of the congregation and enacts realities among them. Contained in the liturgy is hymnody, designed to proclaim the gospel through song. Secondly, is the Liturgy of the Sacrament. Christ gave his body and blood to the disciples, commanding them to eat and drink. Luther stresses that the church should do likewise. For Lutherans the Eucharist is the clearest proclamation of the gospel. Christ is indeed present in the sacrament serving his people with his true body and blood. Yet it is not compulsory. In this regard, one should only act according to oneʼs conscience. May todayʼs service be a blessing for you.
Pastor Darryl