Ephesians 3:1-12
Paulʼs letter to the Ephesians is written into a community where many believe systems existed. It was a place where mystery religions were trying to come to terms with life, where it was thought necessary to cultivate oneʼs moral virtues in order to become a good person, where it was believed that one needed to control or transform emotions in order to achieve inner calm, where it was thought that fate controlled oneʼs life and a place where it was all about the self. If you add one more thought – that the world is like a time-bomb, whose clock is fast running down heading us into a collision course with oblivion – I suppose then, that the world hasnʼt changed much at all. Yet, the letter to the Ephesians addresses these and may other issues relative to life. That God has a plan and a purpose for you, for all humankind, and for the universe. The place where God implements this plan for the individual as well as the universe is the church, his church, not the one we so often want to create. Not the building, but the unit of believers regardless of culture, ethnic group or social stratum. In all the twists and turns in life it can be hard to understand this plan. The Apostles didnʼt at first, even as Jesus explained the reasons for his birth, life, death and resurrection. At a time when fewer and fewer people seem to know what the church is and why it exists, perhaps it is time to revisit Paulʼs letter to the Ephesians and listen to God speaking to each one of us and have a mystery revealed. After all, it is only six short chapters long. Go on, have a go!
Pastor Darryl