Running towards the goal
Photo by London Wood Co. on Unsplash
Philippians 3:12
Suppose you knew of a section where there was a buried treasure worth at least a thousand times more than everything you owned, and itʼs for sale. The price is equal to everything you own. You sell everything and you buy the section. So, you now own it all, treasure included. So, how much did the treasure cost you? You are probably thinking “everything I had.” But that would be incorrect. The treasure cost you nothing, because you paid for the section. You could not afford the treasure. It was priceless, yet free. The treasure is in fact a blessing, a gift of God, salvation, eternal life in Christ. You could never earn enough to buy it, yet it is yours, free.
St Paul outlined his pedigree, a man who thought he had reached the top, the highest level according to worldly standards of the time. He states that he gave up everything for this treasure. Yet he could not earn this treasure. Indeed, salvation is so great a treasure, that when you realise what you have it will lead you to give everything in response to having found it. It will lead you to the love of God, to forgive as you are forgiven, to the love of others as yourself, to give as You are given, to joy because this treasure has entered your life.
Pastor Darryl