Good Shepherd Sunday
John 10:22-30
Our text is all about relationships. There are four basic relationships mentioned. All of these relationships begin with God the Father. The relationship between Jesus and non-believers begins with works in the Fatherʼs name, which testify to Jesusʼ identity, yet people refuse to believe. Jesus doesnʼt reject the relationship, rather it is people who reject Jesus. There is the relationship between Jesus and the Father, they being ʻone.ʼ The relationship between Jesus and those who believe (the sheep), who are not believers by their own doing, but by ʻmy Father who has given them to me.ʼ Then there is the relationship between believers (sheep) themselves. The term ʻsheepʼ is used in the plural, indicating that believers, regardless of wooliness, colour, size, age, have something in common. They are all ʻsheepʼ, are all unified under one Lord, one faith, one baptism, a unity of believers. A unity being attended to by the shepherd, Jesus.
So, when we come to worship, it is not we who are the ones doing or offering anything to God. Rather, as ʻsheepʼ, it is God who offers everything to us, and our response is worship, it is God through our shepherd Jesus Christ, who calls us, who offers his love, his words of comfort and support, his forgiveness, his body and blood.
Letʼs not let our pride, our self-centredness, our continual busyness, stand in the way of Christ the good shepherd serving his sheep. But rather, take time to enjoy being in his presence.
Pastor Darryl