Trinity Sunday

It is said that if anyone is able to properly explain the Holy Trinity, they are probably a heretic. The Trinity is both difficult to explain and understand, yet the scriptures clearly portray God in three persons. The doctrine of the Trinity is the central doctrine of the Christian faith.

The church has statements of faith in what are termed Creeds: the Apostles, Nicene and Athanasian Creeds. Perhaps the greatest exposition of the doctrine of the Trinity is to be found in the Athanasian Creed, yet many Christians have never heard of the Athanasian Creed. However, even Athanasius had to admit that the Trinity is a mystery. “Man can perceive only the hem of the garment of the Triune God. The cherubim cover the rest with their wings. It is a challenge to read the Creed, but rewarding, if you do slowly and carefully.

Creeds or confessions are not above scripture in authority, nor on an equal basis with Scripture, but express what the church on earth has agreed is the teaching of scripture. Rather than plumb the depths of the Trinitarian mystery, ought we rather like David in Psalm 8, praise God the Father our creator and preserver. Praise God the Son, for his obedience to live as a servant, to suffer and die upon the cross, to conquer death by rising from the dead, to become our saviour, making eternal life with God the Father
possible. Praise God the Holy Spirit, for his never-ending presence with you, for revealing God’s Word to you, adopting you as “heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ” totally by grace.

The Trinity is one of the hardest things to explain and understand, but one thing we can do is to praise God, even when we do not understand Him.

Pastor Darryl