The Healing Power of the Lord
2 Kings 5:1-14
One of the texts this week is 2 Kings 5:1-14, the healing of the Syrian Naaman, the leper. Although is is a healing miracle that foreshadows Christ’s healing miracles, we must not, however, neglect the minor actors in the story, particularly the little slave girl. It is her action that directs Naaman to the healing power of the Lord, the God of Israel, by way of Israel’s prophet Elisha. It is because of her witness that Naaman has hope. The Holy Spirit is not restricted when it comes to the message of redeeming grace in Christ, but works through whoever He chooses. But then that’s all we hear about this little girl.
Do we miss the little gifts that God brings in life, while we are perhaps looking for the big ones? Naaman would eventually come to Elisha looking for some great healing miracle that he could see, something that would stand out. He even brought a fortune to pay for it. What he received as a gift was far more than he expected. Not only was his leprosy removed from his physical self, but also from him spiritually.
Naaman’s whole story is about being led to faith by God’s grace. Naaman had his preconceived ideas as to how God ought to work to make him ‘clean.’ Perhaps we do too. There is only one thing in all the universe that can do it: ‘The blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin.’
Pastor Darryl