A Living Hope

1 Peter 1:3-9

For the next six Sundays the Epistle readings are from 1 Peter. The first for this Sunday being 1 Peter 1:3-9. Firstly, Peter is writing to Christians who are suffering. Whether this was political or social, persecution or another
form of suffering, is not determined. But as we know under our current circumstances suffering can come in many forms. Spending time away from loved ones, you know the pain of missing them. Even though technology narrows the gap, it does not remove the longing for their presence. However, not being physically present does not nullify the love you have for them. Yet that future hope exists that soon you will be able to be in their presence and share that love and joy.

Wouldn’t it have been amazing to have been Peter for a while, to have personally seen Jesus walking on water, healing people, or raising people from death. And to meet the resurrected Jesus. Imagine the questions you would have. But sadly, we have never known the physical Jesus’ presence. Yet Jesus is alive physically, resurrected from death. Because he is resurrected, you have been given a new hope, one that is alive and active sure, you have to endure trials, and often don’t understand why or what their outcome will be. But we know one thing – that regardless of our situation we still have the love of God through Jesus whom we also love and who we will see because through faith, salvation is yours.

Pastor Darryl

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash