We Have a Living Hope
1 Peter1: 17:23
Old habits die hard, especially when they have had a life- time to reach their roots deep into the human psyche. Many of our ways are grounded in the past traditions of our forebears. Some from past evil desires, some from
ignorance of a better way. Peter tells us that “You have been redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers.
I suppose every individual must evaluate for themselves what life is and has been for each of them. Perhaps more than ever, because of Covit-19, many people’s lives have gained a new form of emptiness, emptiness of being alone, of not knowing when it will end, or will I have work to feed my family, or of how life will be changed. All this tends to cause not only
emptiness, but a sense of fear. How to escape that inner feeling of emptiness? Every time something really bad happens, or things don’t go my way, it makes me pause, take a breath, and teaches and reminds me to think about the gifts I have been given and be patient.
Peter offers a word of encouragement when he says that, “You have been redeemed.” For the Christian, Peter says life is different because we have a living hope. A hope grounded in a future. Peter leads us to where we will always feel comfort assurance, forgiveness and hope. That hope is in the resurrected Christ. Where do we find him? In the Word of God – your Bible. Perhaps more than ever it is a time to read with a purpose.
Pastor Darryl