The light at the end of the tunnel
John 14:1-14
As we slowly enter another phase in the lock down saga, there will be many questions asked and pondered – new expectations and joys, but also fears that will come to many people.
For some, life goes on as usual. For others, the changes will be life changing, with hope of entering a new phase, not only for the present generation, but for the future ones also. And it is interesting that the majority of those questions will be focused inwardly toward the ‘me.’ They may not sound that way at times, but when you really get down to it, that is where the heart, the focus, is.
In those last hours of Jesus’ life, we are told that he was troubled (John 13:21). Jesus knew that he was about to leave His disciples who had been with him, learning from Him, depending on Him, these past three years. He knew what was about to unfold at the end of the tunnel of life He was in. He knew that his leaving them would create anxiety and fears of various kinds. And yet His total concern was for His disciples. “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” (John 14:1). In other words, Jesus is
telling His disciples – I am God. I am doing this for you. It’s okay, just trust me.” Do you know about Jesus, or do you know Jesus. Where does your trust lie?
Pastor Darryl
Photo by Yohei Shimomae on Unsplash