Great is Your Faith

Matthew 15:21-28
Does it seem, at times, that God is ignoring you, or perhaps just distant and unapproachable? Maybe you need more faith! Have you ever thought that way?

Last week we heard how Peter began sinking into the water and Jesus puts out his hand and lifts Peter up and says – “You of little faith. Why did you doubt” (Matthew 14-31). However, in today’s gospel text (Matt. 15:21-28) Jesus tells the Canaanite woman that she has great faith. So, why was her faith great? What does it mean to have great faith? Maybe it is about no “doubt.” Should we judge the level of our faith? Is faith something that we can just define and measure?

Was the Canaanite woman’s faith great because of her persistence, her honesty, because she needs help and asks, because she recognises who Jesus is, and causes Him to change his mind. What do you think?

Perhaps, like the woman in the story, your faith is great, not because of what you do, but because of who you are – a child of God, dependent solely on the grace of God through Jesus. Even your faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit.

May you always look to God for His merciful favour and blessing, for He is consistently at work, giving it to you.

Pastor Darryl

Photo by Yoshua Giri on Unsplash