Moses the Faithful One
Deuteronomy 34:1-12
When we look at the most faithful people of God, Moses certainly stands out. Of all the Israelites , surely Moses deserves to enter into the Promised Land. Be he cannot. One commentator stated that: ‘Moses is in a new-and-not- yet time.’
Moses stands on the edge of the future of that journey into the Promised Land, but he will not enter it. Our text does not list any reason why. Still, God graces Moses with a view of what is to come. Moses sees the land and knows again that God will keep his promises. Whatever the reasons for Moses’ situation, perhaps it speaks more directly to people’s experiences. I suppose many people who hear this story will relate to situations of disappointment and dreams unfulfilled, the feeling of being in a now-and not-yet time.
Moses’ story can continue to speak today, even in the midst of disappointment, as we live by faith in the God of Moses, the God who does indeed fulfil promises. We live in hope, knowing that the risen Christ, who already fulfilled so many of God’s promises to his people will come again and fulfil all of God’s promises, even as he is now preparing a place for us.
Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for being the God of promise and fulfilment.
Help us to look to Jesus, who is not only the author, but also the
finisher of our faith. In his name, Amen
Pastor Darryl
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