Advent Snippet

Mark 13:24-37
At a time when everything seems to be gearing up for the arrival of Santa Claus, Christians around the world enter the liturgical season of ‘Advent’ (from the Latin meaning; ‘coming’). Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation for the coming of Christ both in the past in His incarnation as the baby Jesus, but also in the future with His promised second coming as Christ Triumphant. Advent is also a time to focus on His present coming to us in the Word and Sacraments. Christians in many countries have adopted various traditions of lighting candles during Advent to observe this as the time of the coming of Christ who is the light of the world.
However, secular society as it often does, has managed once again to push the real purpose of the Advent season into the background. Even at the time of Martin Luther, like our ‘Santa Claus’ Luther was concerned that the observance of St. Nicholas day was becoming separated from Christ the true giver of gifts. As a response Luther began the tradition of celebrating the ‘Christkindt’ or ‘Christ Child’ who would bring gifts to children on Christmas Eve.
There is so much beauty and rich tradition which lies at the heart of the season of Advent, designed to prepare Christians for the coming of Jesus, the babe of Bethlehem. When you see the altar draped in purple, the royal colour, remember your King who came to bring you life and salvation. Give thanks to God for the confession of faith He gave to His people to shine His light in dark places.

Pastor Darryl

Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash