God’s Grace – A Wonderful Gift

Amos 9:11-15
Amos is normally classed as a prophet of doom and gloom. Yet when we reach Amos 9:11-15 we have a complete switch around with some very special promises.
Most of the kings of ancient Israel led the people into sin and persecuted those who proclaimed the law of God. However, Amos foresaw a time when God would write His law on the hearts of His people. God had every right to give up on the Davidic line, but God had sworn an oath, a pledge to renew the Davidic line.
Precisely because God is sovereign over all things, He will always be able to fulfil the promises He has made. Yet He is not obligated to keep such promises according to how we think. But, the Lord is always faithful to His people and He always does what is best for us, and often that involves changing us. In many ways that is why we pray, not to get what we want but to be changed the way God wants us to be.

Pastor Darryl

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash