The Triumphal Entry

John 12:12-16
Recently we have been investigating the Word of God as given by the lesser prophets. Through the prophets we see
first-hand the sinful nature of humanity as it shows itself in its many forms. But underpinning this we are given a peek into the heart of God and the intention of God, that God will not quit because of humanity’s evil, until he has completed his intended purpose.
There is a purpose at work which is steadfast and relentless amid all the pestilence and problems of the world. A justice and righteousness that operates in, with, under and beyond any of our best intentions and which flows from and is grounded in the love of the creator. A purpose that gives hope because God has not abandoned us. All of the prophets point to the coming Messiah, to a salvific plan enacted in what we see as foolishness, because we
struggle with the wisdom of God.
The gospels that draw our focus to the Messiah who has come. Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, begins the final steps toward the visible yet invisible raw power and majesty of God. God’s hiddenness, hidden in the man Jesus who rides on a donkey to the shouts of “hosanna” (save us please) is indeed very fitting in the times in which we find ourselves.
Pastor Darryl

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash