Child of God

1 John 3: 1-7

What does it mean to be God’s children? We often mention it in our Sunday church services, but have you considered what this really means for you. It is rather extraordinary when you contemplate it. You are God’s child – now. You are not waiting for it to happen in the future, but God claimed you in the waters of your baptism.

He washed you clean, forgives you your sins, provides for you and gives you the promise of eternal life. You are precious to God right now. It doesn’t matter what is going on in your life right now, or how you feel. You are God’s child now. God sent his only begotten Son to live and to die and rise again so that you could become God’s child now and for eternity. By this, God has demonstrated tremendous love for you. Recognise it, and let it be in your heart and mind and every fibre of your being.

May God show himself through you just as he did through his dear Son Jesus, enabling you to
share that love with others, so that they may be children of God also
Pastor Darryl

Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash