Over the edge? Gone overboard? Mark 3:20-35
“Heʼs out of his mind!” they say. His own family. They have heard about everything that Jesus is doing. He is so busy teaching the Word of God and healing diseases, delivering people from demons and forgiving sins, that he doesnʼt even have time to eat. So, the family think heʼs lost his mind. Heʼs gone over the edge. But is he? Or is he really in his right mind and itʼs others who do not get it? If people think this way about Jesus, itʼs possible they will think similar thoughts about Jesusʼ followers. And that continues to this day. Like Jesus, maybe members of your own family think this way. Do people think youʼre a bit crazy for spending time at church? Do they think youʼve gone a little overboard on religion? Do they look at you a bit funny because youʼre not available for other activities on Sunday mornings, or because you reserve time for God? See, people today who donʼt get it, may say the same thing about you as they said about Jesus: “Heʼs out of his mind.” So they may have some negative opinions about you. Well, it comes with the territory. What does Jesus say about this? He says that you are part of his family, his brother and sister and mother. He says that about you and me and all of us who are gathered to hear his voice and receive the gifts Jesus has for us. That is the will of God for us – that is his good and gracious will – that we come to Jesus to hear and believe and be saved! for he has the words of eternal life.
May the love that the Holy Spirit gives you, keep you strong in faith.
Pastor Darryl