Faith Matters Mark 4:35-41

Jesus calms the stormy sea
We could interpret this story in Mark as Jesus is there to calm the every day storms of our lives. Or we
could say that when life gets rough, Jesus is often asleep and doesnʼt care. Well, if that is how we view it, we have missed the point.  It would be fantastic if we could snap our fingers and everything would be just
great.  Well, thatʼs not the world we live in. Itʼs not perfect. Our comfort is not found in the fact that Jesus can still a storm at sea.  Our comfort comes from knowing who he is, and from knowing that he cares and is always in the boat with us.  He does not calm all the storms of our lives, but he does sail with us through them.  Faith is the answer to fear.  Faith is always the answer to our fears, regardless of what they are. Jesus put His finger right on it. Do you still have no faith? Two things to remember – with Jesus in our lives the boat will not sink – and the storm will not last forever.

See you on Sunday.
Pastor Darryl