A Reflection John 6: 1-15

Last week we heard that Jesus saw both the physical and spiritual needs of the vast multitude, about 5000
people, who had gathered around him. They became hungry. He fed them, and there were even leftovers.
Free food in Galilee was not insignificant. Perhaps, for some, just like today, it was a good day when there was enough.  But before Jesus fed the crowd, he asked the 12 disciples to feed them. John says that Jesus specifically directed his question to Philip. “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” Philip basically had no idea. Perhaps that same question has been asked to every successive generation. How, like Jesus, can we feed the multitudes of people not only around the world, but in our own neighbourhoods,
who need daily food. Like Philip and Andrew in the text, we often say that our meagre resources are not enough. And that is where we stop. So really, is it possible to feed people spiritually when they are physically hungry? What need in the mind of the hungry takes precedence? I think that this is just one question that the text raises for us to contemplate. However, Jesus gave an example of what faith looks like, when things donʼt appear possible. With what appeared to be tiny gifts (5 small flat breads and 2
small fish), first, Jesus gave thanks to God, knowing that God would act according to Godʼs will. Then Jesus began to feed and feed, and feed the people. Hasnʼt God given each one of us gifts and abilities, as large or as small as they are? Arenʼt we called to have faith, as we proceed to use these gifts, giving thanks to God in Jesus name for what we do? God can and does work miracles for others through the gifts he has given you. And whatʼs more there are always leftovers.

Pastor Darryl