We All Get Hungry! John 6

Right from the beginning of creation we humans have been hungry. In the garden of Eden, God gave us so many foods to eat, but he planted two trees in the middle, one the tree of life and the other the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He said not to eat of that one. Well, we know what happened. We ate from the wrong tree. We were never told that we couldnʼt eat from the Tree of Life, but we chose to eat from the tree that we were told not to.  We thought that it would satisfy us, but it didnʼt and never has or will. We could have lived forever in that garden with God. We were so close. Although in John 6, Jesus isnʼt talking about fruit, but bread, the staple of life. He is using it in a similar way, referring to himself when he says: “This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever.”
In other words, we have a second chance. Jesus is speaking of the benefits of believing, of partaking of his body and his blood, of having him as part of us, and us a part of him. So why would I want to refuse that. And yet sometimes our patterns of thinking, believing, the way we see the harshness of world and how it impacts us, and others, convince us there is no bread other than what we must eat
every day. This may even cause us to want to exclude God from our lives. It will however leave us spiritually very hungry. It doesnʼt mean that our daily struggles will just disappear, but without Jesus we donʼt have what can sustain us. Jesus is clearly identifying himself as that new garden, the new tree, the new fruit, The one we should have eaten from the beginning. Godʼs desire in Genesis was
That we would live forever with Him, and in Jesus that dream gets a fresh start. It is Godʼs gift to you.

Pastor Darryl