A Thought Luke 10:25-37

What is it that drives many people today to want to help others? Yes, when there is a tragedy or other major events that damage lives, people will open their homes, reach into their wallets, or interrupt their schedules to help someone in need? Why? The answer is that they have compassion. I guess that is loving our neighbour as ourselves – true? It is part of the summary of the Law, and it is one of those things that come from the heart, because God has placed the law in our heart. But how far does this compassion go? Do we have the same compassion for all people in need, regardless of the type of need, or only when certain events trigger this compassion?

The gospel text for this week is Luke 10:25-37, the Good Samaritan story. I’m sure you have heard it before. Although the lawyer in the text asks, “Who is my neighbour?” perhaps the question ought to be, “How am I a neighbour?” As people, given the free gift of grace in the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus, perhaps we ought to periodically reflect on our relationship to God and others, because both are bound together.

Pastor Darryl