Why the Psalms?
Perhaps one of the least preached and least read areas of the Bible are the Psalms. Yet, as boy, I remember one of my grandmothers having
a little deck of Psalm quotes that sat on the kitchen bench in its little box. Every morning, she would take the first card, read it and place it behind the last card. Sometimes she would spend that extra moment and just dwell on what it said to her. I often wondered why she did that. But I have come the realise, like she did, that the Psalms have something to say to each of us about our daily lives and how that life is and exist because of the grace of God. You see, without God as part of our every day lives, life is meaningless.
We need the Psalms because the Psalms read us as much as we read them. They give us prayers to pray when we have nothing to say, they free us to lament before our compassionate Father, they give us words for the indescribable evils in our world and they remind a trembling people of a reality of a kingdom that cannot be shaken.
Pastor Darryl