Those Pesky Weeds!
Matthew 13:24-30
In Jesus’ Parable of the Weeds there is an excellent question posed: “Sir, didn’t you sow good seeds in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?” Several of us enjoy gardening, watching the seeds sprout. We water, fertilise and watch them grow, but somehow those pesky weeds manage to grow amongst our plants. Even in the cracks in the concrete paths, weeds often tend to take root. Where do they come from?
From the parable, the weeds represent sin in our lives which comes regardless of our attempts to lead good lives, and sin loves to find the many cracks in our lives to take root. I suppose when we look at the Jacob and Esau story (last week and this week’s OT readings), they were two brothers, who were trying to live good lives also, but sin crept in and took root having its way in separating that family.
Sin can be a bit that way, sneaking into lives. We try to do what we think is right, only to find that it turns to custard. Like gardening, our lives need constant weeding of sin, otherwise it can grow and choke us. We ourselves might recognise the problem, but struggle to do much about it. We need a good gardener to do the weeding. The Bible tells us that God is that Gardener, and it is to Him that we are to go when the weeds threaten to overrun us. Do you have any weeds in your life that need attention?
Pastor Darryl
Photo by Amy Humphries on Unsplash