Prepared for Christ’s Return?

Matthew 25: 1-13

Our three texts this week all have Christ’s future return in mind. I wonder how many Christians give thought to Christ’s return. The parable of the “ten virgins” (Matthew 25:1-13) asks us to imagine ourselves as those who wait for the bridegroom’s return. The traditional interpretation of the parable usually points to the Christian being always prepared for Christ’s return. Does that mean that the level of our preparation has a role to play? If we stick with this literal view, it begs the question- who’s in and who’s out?
Is the oil for the lamps more important than the presence of the bridegroom, that instead of the bridegroom being the primary concern, something else in life stands in the way. Does the church really live as though the bridegroom’s arrival is certain? Some have become caught up in trying to determine the day and the hour, while others have let their lamps run out.
It is easy to take the focus off the Bridegroom (Christ) and put that focus on ourselves, but in the scheme of things that is a foolish mistake.

Pastor Darryl

Photo by Erica Nilsson on Unsplash