What do I deserve? What is fair?
Matthew 20:1-16
One of the things that judges in a court of law often base their decisions on when making a judgement is ‘what is fair and reasonable.’ And maybe the person about to receive the judgement is wondering, ”Will I get what I deserve?”
Justice in this world is often seen by many to be a one-sided event. And of course, we view justice from our perspective, often making comparisons. That is how we come up with what is fair and what I/you deserve. But have you ever considered that everything you are, everything you have, is a gift? That really you ‘deserve’ nothing. And to be fair to the giver, should we not use any gifts we are given to the best of our ability, regardless of our situation.
Even suffering can be a gift. Perhaps for some, that can be hard to understand. Paul’s words to the Corinthians: “What do you have that you did not receive? And if you received it, why do you boast as if it were not a gift?” (1 Corinthians 4:7)
How easy it is to forget over the course of the day that every good thing comes to us as a gracious gift from God, and God was not required or compelled to create us, much less pull us out of our estranged problems. Jesus’ kingdom will offend all of us who assume that the future, if it is to be good, must be earned and deserved.
Pastor Darryl
Photo by Nynne Schrøder on Unsplash