Psalms – the Bible in Miniature
Luther said that the Psalms were “the Bible in miniature.” In 1527, Luther faced one of the greatest difficulties of his life, the Black Plague, sweeping across Germany and much of Europe. With everything around him in upheaval at that time, Luther found great comfort in the soul-lifting truths of the Psalms. The Psalms express the inner most feelings that we humans experience. One of the two Psalms for today is Psalm 118. Luther wrote this about it:
‘This is my psalm, my chosen psalm. I love the all; I love all the holy
Scripture, which is my consolation and my life. But this psalm is nearest
my heart, and I have a peculiar right to call it mine. It has saved me from
many a pressing danger, from which no emperor, nor kings, nor sages, nor
saints, could have saved me, It is my friend; dearer to me than all the honours and power of the earth.’
We know from the New Testament that Jesus also quoted the Psalms frequently. His final words on the cross are taken from today’s Psalm 31:5. “Into your hands I commit my spirit.” The Psalms are God’s word coming to us as the songs and prayers of God’s people. The commentator JTE Renner, “The Psalms are a response to God’s activity with his people, inspired by the spirit of God himself.” In the times that we are in, I challenge you to read a Psalm a day and know that in these times God is ever present and ever active, right in the midst with his people, with love and grace.
I pray that God will speak his love and peace to you through the Psalms.
Pastor Darryl