All Saints Day
Here at St Paul’s we are having two celebrations on the one day this year. Traditionally Reformation falls on the 31st October and All Saints Day on November 1st which happens to be this Sunday. “Saints” are all true believers in Christ as their Lord and Saviour on earth and in heaven, both
living and dead.
Although some saints are held in esteem because of their service in Christ’s Church, the departed ones, according to the Lutheran Confessions, do not hold a higher “position” in the Church. They are just as all true believers today, each is just another sinner washed in the blood of Christ, saved solely by Christ’s complete atonement for their sins. We do not pray to or through the departed Saints. God commanded, we are only to worship and pray to the one true God, the Triune God.
We do however remember those who have died in Christ with the hope of salvation and redemption by his grace. We are thankful for the blessings the departed saints gave to the lives of others. We also remember the Christian faithful from all generations. We are all members of the same family with them, as we confess in the Apostles Creed to our belief in “The Holy Christian Church, The Communion of Saints”. All Saints Day is a day to glorify Jesus Christ, who by His holy life and death redeemed the lost and made them saints through Holy Baptism and faith in Him.
Pastor Darryl
Photo by Mike Labrum on Unsplash